Ensure the Future of Arts and Culture in Milwaukee

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In times of great uncertainty, we have always turned to the arts for solace and sense-making. Yet, in the global COVID-19 pandemic, artists, creatives, and arts and culture institutions are being hit hard by widespread cancellations and an unclear future.

In Milwaukee, a lack of public funding means our organizations do not have the benefit of a safety net. In fact, Wisconsin ranks last in public funding for the arts and similarly, for cities of our size, we face equally poor rankings.

We are proud to stand alongside 40 of our peer institutions in calling for greater public support of the arts and culture sector. We stand ready to partner with our elected officials to develop new solutions during COVID-19 recovery to ensure that our arts and cultural heritage is not lost.

Join us in standing up for more public support of our city’s vibrant arts and culture community. Read the letter signed by 41 organizations, and send a letter of your own to elected officials, here.